Outils d’accessibilité


Financing the modernization and expansion of your business

To convince a potential financial organisation, such as the SNCI, to finance the modernisation and expansion of your business, you need to present a convincing case that demonstrates the possibility of a strong return on investment. Consider updating your business plan to reflect your new objectives and expansion plans, and clearly define your ambitions for modernisation and expansion, possibly even abroad.


SNCI advisers are on hand to help you develop your business.

Our customers

Over 4 generations, our painters and lacquerers have been sharing their fascination for colour with our customers who are planning a renovation. In our new operating building, financed in collaboration with the SNCI and our bank, our focus is also on sustainability: the water we use to clean our brushes is filtered in a special circuit and treated for reuse.

Michael Schultze

All testimonials
Michael Schultze

Contact us to get more information

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+352 46 19 71-1 7, rue du Saint-Esprit L-1475 Luxembourg